Receiving your shipment
Please be sure to inspect each piece of furniture individually for damage.
You are responsible for inspecting your order at the time of delivery and properly describing any and all damages on the shipper's delivery receipt.
- If the boxes show any evidence of rough handling note this on all copies of the shippers receipt.
- If a delivery crew refuses to wait while you inspect the furniture, note on the receipt that the driver refused to wait for inspection of contents. Final determination of possible damage to contents will be made when packages are opened after delivery.
- Document any issues or damage in detail on the shippers delivery receipt and have the delivery crew co-sign the receipt.
- Contact us immediately and we will assist you. You will need to email us digital photos of any damage or issues so that we can best determine how to resolve the situation for you.
- Minor damage like a scratch or even replacement of a door or drawer, is usually best handled through repairs which are done at your home and performed by experts on behalf of the shipper. We will send new parts for the shipper's furniture medic to install, if necessary.
- If your shipment is missing any pieces, have the driver note the shortage on the waybill. Advise us of any shortage and we will trace the shipment. If the shortage cannot be located within a reasonable time, the missing items will be replaced.
Please note: Neither the delivery company or Home and Timber will be responsible for any damages or exceptions not clearly written on the delivery receipt.
Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable.