Maple Pecan Roll Recipe

Fall Beauty | Maple Pecan Rolls | Home and Timber


With Halloween only a few days away, we can no longer denying that we are standing in the first few days of fall. The trees are starting their cycle of shedding the green in their leaves to showcase a majesty of red, orange and yellow. Just when you think it couldn’t possibly  get any more beautiful….they all fall. All over the yard. The mess that ensues gives me a better understanding of Max, my two year old, and his “distaste” for clean up time.  

There is no better way to start a brisk Saturday of yard work than a warm Maple Pecan Roll. 


 Maple Pecan Rolls


Maple Pecan Rolls Recipe | Home and Timber

The Recipe


4 large egg yolks

1 large whole egg

¼ cup sugar

6 tablespoons unsalted butter - melted

¾ cup buttermilk

4 cups all-purpose flour

1 package instant dry yeast

1 ¼ tsp kosher salt

Neutral cooking oil or spray

Whisk the egg yolks, whole egg, sugar, butter, and buttermilk. Add the flour along with the yeast and salt. Mix to combine. Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface. Knead until a smooth, soft dough forms. Lightly oil a large bowl. Move the dough to the bowl and roll to coat with oil. Cover and let double in volume. This should take 2 to 2 1/2 hours depending upon temperature.


Maple Pecan Roll Filling

½ cup chopped pecans

½ cup dark brown sugar

2 tsp ground cinnamon

Pinch salt

1 ½ tbsp unsalted butter


Maple Pecan Syrup

1 cup maple syrup

8 tbsp unsalted butter

1 cup light brown sugar

½ cup chopped pecans


Combine the brown sugar, cinnamon, salt and pecans for the filling in a medium bowl. Mix until well incorporated. Set-aside.


Lightly oil or spray a 9” round baking dish with nonstick spray.


Fall view with barn | Home and Timber 


Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. Roll into an 18 by 12-inch rectangle. Brush the dough with the melted butter. Leaving 1/2-inch border along one of the short edges. Sprinkle the filling mixture over the dough, leaving a 3/4-inch border along the same edge. Gently press the filling into the dough. Beginning with the opposite end from the border, roll the dough into a tight cylinder. Firmly pinch the seam to seal and roll the cylinder seam side down. Very gently squeeze the cylinder to create even thickness. Let rest.


In a medium saucepan, melt the butter. Once melted, slowly add the maple syrup. Stir to combine. Add in the brown sugar and slowly stir until dissolved. Mix in pecans and allow to cool slightly. Pour into the bottom of your greased 9” round pan.


Using a serrated knife, slice the cylinder into 5 equal rolls. Arrange rolls in the baking dish. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator overnight.


Fall View | Home and Timber


Remove the rolls from the refrigerator and place in an oven that is turned off. Fill a shallow pan 2/3-full of boiling water and set on the rack below the rolls. Close the oven door and let the rolls rise until they look slightly puffy; approximately 30 minutes.


Remove the rolls and the shallow pan of water from the oven.


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.


When the oven is ready, place the rolls on the middle rack. You may want to put a baking sheet underneath. Maple Caramel is a special kind of “hard to clean.” Removing it from the bottom of your oven if it boils over won't be fun. Bake until golden brown, Approximately 30 to 40 minutes.


Allow to cool for 15min. Cover with a large plate and carefully and quickly flip. The maple pecan rolls will fall onto the plate covered in that sweet brown maple goodness.


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