“I have too much closet space” said no one ever.

Closet space. Storage. Has anyone ever had too much? It’s doubtful.

So the big question is, what do you do when you don’t have enough? Adding additional closet space doesn’t have to mean knocking down walls. Adding an armoire or a chifferobe will offers you a significant amount of freestanding and flexible closet space.

Bungalow Armoire and Bungalow Chifferobe | Home and Timber

Often in the furniture world the terms are used interchangeably, however armoires and chifferobes are different pieces and will offer you different use of your space.  

Both the armoire and chifferobe are larger freestanding wood cabinets with one or more doors.

Marshfield Collection Armoire | Home and Timber

To really get a sense of what an armoire is, it may help to consider its origin. An armoire was originally a medieval French cupboard designed for storing either weapons or tools. A modern day armoire will typically have two large doors, sometimes with mirrored fronts. Inside the doors you will find a hanging bar. There may be a shelf, but the bulk of the space will be designed for hanging garments. Technically a true armoire does not have any drawers, although most modern styles include them.

Belwright Armoire and Chifferobe Line Drawing | Home and Timber

A chifferobe is similar to the idea of a chest of drawers and will characteristically contain doors, shelves and drawers. The chifferobe will offer you the blended functionality of an armoire and a chest. With one door that will typically contain a hanging bar and shelves, the rest of the piece will be made up of drawers.  

Which is right for you, an armoire or a chifferobe? It comes down to how you want to use the space. Do you like to hang your clothes or do you prefer to have space for folded items?


No such thing as too much closet space | Home and Timber